Arch Systems

Arch Systems

Dec 22, 2020 9:45 AM

Arch Systems

I interned at Arch Systems in the summer of 2019 as a tech-adjacent freshman who didn't sleep enough. Now, as a knee-deep-in-tech student who sleeps even less, I contract for the company on special projects.

In 2019, I was brought on as the first ever intern on the Marketing team and worked under Ridhi Kantelal, who led Business Development and Sales. This opened up the world to me. Professionally, it was my first real job. Life-wise, I got very familiar with the daily Berkeley – Mountain View commute, had intense conversations amongst other young interns in sub-$15/night hacker hostels, created + maintained a mental list of Bay Area taco truck burritos, and learned to fall asleep very quickly — whether on a co-worker's couch in exchange for probably the best French toast I've ever made, sardined in between my duffel and laptop at the top bunk of a very cheap Airbnb, towel-as-a-blanket work-clothes-still-on on Stanford dorm room floor, or anywhere in between.

Website Migration

I manually parsed every page of the old website in preparation of the Wordpress website migration. I copyedited, reformatted, and oversaw our move so that we wouldn't lose any sweet SEO in the process.

FAQ Articles

I populated Arch's repository of FAQs on Help Scout, creating and annotating screenshots, producing videos and writing articles around the company's POD-1M monitoring device and its companion desktop and mobile apps. Additionally wrote out a chat bot flow that paired nicely with the articles, embedding them into conversations with confused customers. Overall, I produced 30+ articles that exhaustively explained the POD-1M and its accompanying software. Since then, Arch has moved on to using Zendesk; here's one of my articles that was ported over

POD Product Advertisements

I sketched out 75 ad mockups that turned into a final set of 10 display advertisements for Arch's suite of POD products. Additionally, to remedy some really old photos, I held a lunchtime product photoshoot and created a new set of 200+ properly lighted, clear product images using the seat of a white chair and three-iPhone-assisted three-point lighting. This was my first time working extensively in the Adobe Creative Suite and during their first week of being released, led directly to ~10 sales of $1,000 PODs, so I was really happy with how they turned out!


On top of these, I worked on an unreleased, equal-parts-funny hopefully-equal-parts-informative video for the POD-1M. For this, I stayed later than allowed in the bottom floors of MLK at Berkeley taking photos of a cross-sectioned Amazon package as part of a new content series about how much damage is done during the shipping process.

IOTile Store

For my final project during my internship, I shipped the IOTile Store, a fully-automated Shopify Store that with Zapier, integrated directly with a Slack channel and our store API that made it notification-simple for hardware engineers to immediately ship PODs to international customers.

I worked on everything IOTile Store — editing store copy, producing and editing product photos, tweaking the Shopify frontend in Liquid, producing whitepapers for different products, ensuring that the Shopify-Zapier-Slack-API integration ran smoothly, and creating an exhaustive list of custom discount codes to meet any circumstance (free shipping, international shipping, 50% off, in-office pickup, etc). The Store led directly to ~10 $1,000 sales in its first week of implementation and is still live here (although I'm not sure how much still used).


A major point of bragging rights, IOTry was the project that won the dev-athon at the 2019 Arch Summit. Alongside Chris Ling, Filippo Forti, and Andrew Wu, I built a prototype that gave remote employees the ability to test company hardware with just their computers.

Using ngrok, we allowed one computer to tunnel remotely into another that controlled and measured shocks, vibrations, and humidity values for a POD inside a testing environment, emulated in our case by an oven and string-powered servo. These environment changes were controlled by a web-application that we built that displayed a real-time Sensorgraph and video feed of the POD.

Arch Wall

In complete disregard of Arch dev-athon rules, I helped build the Arch Wall with another team, refactoring Raspberry Pis and mounting monitors on a main wall in Arch's old office. The Arch Wall displayed mainly North star metrics, site statuses, and machine operating rates in factories across the Americas, Europe, and Asia, but also had monitor real estate for a meme or two.

Today, I mostly work on a ad-hoc project basis to fill gaps in for the Marketing and Product teams. I work directly under Eric Krock, who leads Product at Arch. As a note, virtually all of my current work is very confidential, so unfortunately there aren't many examples below to accompany them

FAQ Articles

In true blast-from-the-past fashion, I assisted Arch with their migration to Zendesk from Help Scout, editing copy + CSS and anonymizing PII details from images for their new FAQ articles on the ArchFX Cloud.

Slide Translation

Working closely with the Marketing team and Arch's CTO, I created technical graphics from sketches to help better illustrate Arch's product offerings and how they function. The graphics have become integral to work in Marketing, being integrated into sales whitepapers, outbound presentations, etc.

This project has also served as an avenue for me to iterate on Arch's color palette, which I've populated with several new, more accessible accent colors that are used today.

Global KPI Dashboard Demo

Arch's Global KPI dashboard is a factory operator's line into the entire operations of the factory, displaying key metrics like OEE + LU for Site, Line, or specific Machine views, quickly allowing them to identify what is underperforming and where it's located. As part of the Arch's Product strategy, I built — and currently maintain — a fully-functional, feature-rich demo of the Arch Global KPI dashboard in both light and dark themes. The demo is always up to date with Arch's current UI and allows Arch to mockup different future features like heatmapping, date-specific views, etc to see how they would look. On top of maintaining the demo currently, I produce demo-adjacent creatives like GIFs of certain features and clickthrough videos in conversation with additional content contractors and teams. The demo has become an integral part of the Product team and has helped sold Arch's products and services to large Fortune 500 companies.